If Lab has performed a lab test in the past, please locate your patient Slip# (OPD# or ER #)OR Lab # and NIC# in the
top  right corner of you receipt.This will help us keep all of your information in one record. if you
 can't find  your Lab no and security code, you can call us and we will be happy to assist you.
Lab Reports            MRI/CT Scan/USG/X-Ray Report 
    Slip#ER Like (BBH-ER-25-No) OPD (BBH-O-25-No)
*  Lab# Like (BBH-PATH-25-0000)
                                                                                      Lab# Like (BBH-RADI-25-0000)
 OPD /Indoor Lab       ER Lab    
                                      Note: Fields marked with * must be filled                                                                                                                                           Total Visitor:=4804